Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy

Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy

Hello, and welcome to my article on the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy! In this section, we will explore Joel Greenblatt’s investment approach, known as the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy. This strategy is based on the principles of value investing and quantitative investing, aiming to identify stocks with a high return on capital and low valuations. It is a popular stock market strategy that can help investors achieve long-term investment success.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy is a rules-based, disciplined investing strategy developed by Joel Greenblatt.
  • It focuses on value investing by ranking stocks based on their price and returns on capital.
  • The strategy has been back-tested to show annualized returns of over 30%.
  • By following the magic formula, individual investors can potentially beat the market and achieve long-term gains.
  • The formula excludes certain types of companies and recommends regular portfolio rebalancing.

Understanding the Magic Formula Investing

Magic formula investing is a powerful strategy that allows investors to unlock the potential of value investing. Developed by Joel Greenblatt, this methodical and unemotional approach focuses on identifying undervalued stocks with high returns on capital. By using quantitative screens, the magic formula ranks large-cap stocks based on their price and returns on capital to uncover investment opportunities.

This value-based strategy follows a methodical and systematic process that takes emotions out of the equation. By relying on objective criteria, investors can make informed decisions based on the fundamentals of the company rather than getting swayed by market sentiments.

One of the key aspects of the magic formula investing is the emphasis on large-cap stocks. These companies tend to be more stable and have proven track records, making them suitable for long-term investment strategies. By focusing on large-cap stocks, investors can mitigate some of the risks associated with smaller companies.

The magic formula investing process begins with screening and ranking stocks based on their price and returns on capital. Stocks that are trading at a low price relative to their earnings have the potential to deliver higher returns. Additionally, the formula considers returns on capital as an indicator of a company’s profitability and efficiency.

By combining price and returns on capital, the magic formula helps investors identify undervalued companies with the potential for high returns. This methodical approach takes the guesswork out of investing and provides investors with a clear framework to follow.

To illustrate the magic formula investing process, consider the following example:

Stock Price Returns on Capital
Company A 10 20%
Company B 15 15%
Company C 20 10%

In this example, Company A is ranked the highest due to its low price and high returns on capital. Company C is ranked the lowest as it has the highest price and lowest returns on capital. By following the magic formula investing strategy, investors would prioritize investing in Company A.

This unemotional and methodical approach to investing has proven successful over the years. By focusing on value investing and using quantitative measures, the magic formula investing strategy provides a systematic way to identify potentially lucrative investment opportunities. However, it is important to note that like any investment strategy, there are risks involved, and investors should conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.

Requirements for Magic Formula Investing

To implement the magic formula investing strategy, there are several requirements that need to be considered. These requirements ensure that the strategy is applied correctly and yields the desired results. Here are the key requirements:

1. Market Capitalization: The magic formula strategy applies only to companies with market capitalizations greater than $50 million. This requirement ensures that the strategy focuses on established companies with a certain level of stability and visibility in the market.

2. Exclusion of Financial and Utility Companies: Financial companies and utility companies are excluded from the magic formula strategy. This is because the nature of their business operations and financial metrics may not align with the criteria used in the strategy. By excluding these companies, the strategy can maintain its focus on other sectors.

3. Exclusion of ADRs: The magic formula strategy also excludes American Depository Receipts (ADRs) of foreign companies. ADRs have their own unique characteristics and regulatory requirements, which may not be directly comparable to the criteria used in the magic formula. Therefore, excluding ADRs ensures the strategy remains consistent in its evaluation of companies.

4. Calculation of Earnings Yield and Return on Capital: The magic formula ranks companies based on their earnings yield and return on capital. The earnings yield is calculated by dividing the company’s earnings per share by its price per share. The return on capital measures the company’s profitability relative to its investment in capital. These calculations help identify companies that have a combination of attractive valuations and high returns.

5. Ranking and Portfolio Rebalancing: The magic formula recommends buying two to three positions each month in the top 20 to 30 ranked companies. This systematic approach ensures diversification and minimizes the risk associated with concentrating too much capital in a few positions. Additionally, it is recommended to rebalance the portfolio annually by selling underperforming stocks and buying new positions from the top-ranked companies.

By following these requirements, investors can effectively implement the magic formula investing strategy and increase their chances of achieving higher returns in the stock market.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Magic Formula Investing

The magic formula investing strategy offers several advantages that make it an appealing option for investors. One of its key strengths lies in its simplicity. The strategy follows a straightforward and easy-to-understand approach, making it accessible to individual investors without specialized knowledge. By removing emotional decision-making from the equation, the magic formula promotes a rational and unemotional approach to investing.

Furthermore, the magic formula has a track record of outperforming the market. Back-tested data has shown that the strategy has consistently delivered above-average returns over the long term. This attractive performance makes it an enticing option for investors seeking to achieve significant gains.

However, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages of the magic formula investing strategy. Despite its historical success, some investors have reported lower-than-expected returns when implementing the strategy. This could be attributed to changing market dynamics or the increased number of investors following the same approach.

To mitigate this risk, some analysts suggest incorporating additional variables into the formula. Factors such as debt/equity ratios or dividend yields can provide supplementary insights and enhance the investment selection process. By considering these additional variables, investors can potentially refine their strategy and improve their investment outcomes.

Overall, the magic formula investing strategy offers simplicity and an unemotional approach to investing, making it an appealing option for individual investors. While there may be some challenges, incorporating additional variables can help investors optimize their investment decisions and achieve better outcomes.

What Does Magic Formula Mean?

Magic formula investing is a rules-based investing strategy that allows investors to identify undervalued or outperforming companies. It was popularized by Joel Greenblatt in his book “The Little Book That Beat the Market”. The strategy focuses on selecting stocks based on their price and returns on capital, with the goal of achieving superior long-term returns compared to the overall market.

To apply the magic formula, investors use a set of predetermined criteria to evaluate companies and determine their investment potential. This approach eliminates emotions and biases, providing a systematic and disciplined method for making investment decisions.

The magic formula considers both the price of a stock and its returns on capital to identify attractive investment opportunities. By targeting undervalued companies with high returns on capital, investors aim to capitalize on stocks that have the potential for significant growth over time.

This image illustrates the concept of identifying undervalued companies, which is a central aspect of the magic formula strategy. By focusing on companies that are trading below their intrinsic value, investors can potentially benefit from the market’s recognition of their true worth.

Advantages of Magic Formula Investing Disadvantages of Magic Formula Investing
  • Simplicity and ease of implementation
  • Unemotional approach to investing
  • Potential to outperform the market
  • Possible lower-than-expected returns
  • Increased competition from other investors
  • Market dynamics may change over time
  • Addition of extra variables may be necessary

While the magic formula investing strategy offers several advantages, such as its simplicity and potential to outperform the market, it is not without its limitations. Some investors may experience lower-than-expected returns, possibly due to increased competition or changes in market dynamics. To address these challenges, some analysts suggest introducing additional variables, such as debt/equity ratios or dividend yields, to enhance the effectiveness of the strategy.


The Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy, developed by Joel Greenblatt, offers a powerful approach to long-term investment in value-based opportunities. Back-tested to demonstrate impressive annual returns, this strategy has gained popularity among individual investors seeking to outperform the market. By following the rules of the magic formula and focusing on undervalued stocks with high returns on capital, investors have the potential to achieve their long-term investment goals.

The Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy combines simplicity and a disciplined approach to investing. By using a systematic method to identify undervalued companies, investors can make informed investment decisions based on quantitative factors. The strategy’s emphasis on value investing aligns with the principles of long-term wealth accumulation.

For investors seeking an unemotional and methodical strategy, the Greenblatt Magic Formula offers a clear approach to selecting stocks. By following this proven investment approach, investors can potentially outperform the market over the long term, taking advantage of opportunities that may have been overlooked by others.


What is the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy?

The Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy is a rules-based, disciplined investing strategy developed by Joel Greenblatt. It focuses on value investing by ranking stocks based on their price and returns on capital.

Who developed the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy?

The Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy was developed by Joel Greenblatt.

What is value investing?

Value investing is an investment approach that involves buying undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term, with the expectation that their value will increase over time.

How does the magic formula investing strategy work?

The magic formula investing strategy uses quantitative screens to identify stocks that fit specific criteria. It focuses on large-cap stocks and ranks them based on their price and returns on capital.

What are the requirements for implementing the magic formula investing strategy?

The magic formula investing strategy applies to companies with market capitalizations greater than million and excludes financial and utility companies. It also excludes American Depository Receipts (ADRs) of foreign companies.

How often should I rebalance my portfolio when using the magic formula investing strategy?

It is recommended to rebalance the portfolio annually by selling losers and winners.

What are the advantages of the magic formula investing strategy?

The magic formula investing strategy offers advantages such as its simplicity and unemotional approach to investing. It has also been shown to outperform the market.

Are there any disadvantages to the magic formula investing strategy?

Some investors have experienced lower-than-expected returns following the magic formula investing strategy. Additionally, some analysts suggest introducing additional variables, such as debt/equity ratios or dividend yields, to improve the method.

What does “magic formula” mean in investing?

“Magic formula” in investing refers to a rules-based strategy that helps identify undervalued or outperforming companies.

Is the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy a good long-term investment strategy?

Yes, the Greenblatt Magic Formula Strategy is a powerful tool for long-term investors looking for value-based investment opportunities. It has the potential to outperform the market and help investors achieve their long-term investment goals.

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