Golden Butterfly Portfolio

Golden Butterfly Portfolio

When it comes to financial planning and investing in the stock market, finding the right strategy that balances risk and reward is crucial. One such strategy that has gained recognition for its robustness and ability to weather market volatility is the Golden Butterfly Portfolio.

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio, formulated by Tyler, is a long-term investment approach that focuses on creating a diversified portfolio with low correlation between different asset classes. This strategy follows the principles of passive investing, emphasizing the importance of asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing.

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is designed to provide stability and consistent growth over time. Its asset allocation consists of 20% total stock market, 20% small-cap value, 20% long-term bonds, 20% short-term bonds, and 20% gold. By diversifying across these asset classes, the portfolio aims to reduce risk and maximize returns.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is a long-term investment strategy that focuses on a diversified and balanced portfolio.
  • It follows the principles of passive investing and emphasizes the importance of asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing.
  • The portfolio’s asset allocation consists of 20% each in total stock market, small-cap value, long-term bonds, short-term bonds, and gold.
  • This strategy aims to provide stability, low correlation, and consistent growth over the long term.
  • Investors looking for a reliable approach to financial planning can consider the Golden Butterfly Portfolio for their investment goals.

The Fundamentals of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is a strategic investment approach that encompasses the concept of economic risk parity. It shares similarities with the renowned Permanent Portfolio, which equally balances various economic conditions such as prosperity, recession, inflation, and deflation. However, the Golden Butterfly introduces an interesting twist by incorporating an allocation to small-cap value stocks, leaning more towards prosperity.

Although small-cap value stocks are often perceived as potentially underperforming assets, data indicates that the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is among the best risk-adjusted portfolios available. It combines the consistent performance of the Permanent Portfolio with the growth potential of more dynamic investment options.

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio offers a tight band of growth paths, making it particularly useful for future estimates and projections. This well-balanced approach seeks to provide investors with a reliable and consistent portfolio that can withstand market fluctuations.

Furthermore, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio caters to the needs of both retirees and individuals in the accumulation phase. Its high withdrawal rates and risk-adjusted performance make it a suitable choice for those planning for retirement.

Comparing Golden Butterfly and Permanent Portfolio

To better understand the Golden Butterfly, let’s compare it to the Permanent Portfolio.

Portfolio Asset Allocation Key Features
Golden Butterfly 20% Total Stock Market
20% Small-Cap Value
20% Long-Term Bonds
20% Short-Term Bonds
20% Gold
– Tilts towards prosperity
– Combines consistent performance with growth potential
Permanent Portfolio 25% Stocks
25% Bonds
25% Gold
25% Cash
– Balances prosperity, recession, inflation, and deflation
– Offers stability and low correlation

The Golden Butterfly differentiates itself by allocating a portion to small-cap value stocks, aiming to capture additional growth potential. This enables the portfolio to benefit from the upside of a more aggressive investment option while maintaining a consistent and well-diversified approach.

The image above visually represents the Golden Butterfly Portfolio, showcasing its asset allocation across different asset classes. The image serves as an informative visual representation of the portfolio’s core components.

Asset Allocation of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio

The asset allocation of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is a key factor in its success. By strategically dividing assets across different classes, the portfolio aims to achieve optimal results. Let’s take a closer look at how the Golden Butterfly allocates its assets:

Asset Class Allocation
Total Stock Market 20%
Small Cap Value 20%
Long-Term Bonds 20%
Short-Term Bonds 20%
Gold 20%

This even distribution ensures diversification, reducing the portfolio’s vulnerability to market fluctuations. Each asset class serves a specific purpose:

  • The 40% allocation to stocks provides exposure to the stock market, allowing potential growth and capital appreciation.
  • The 40% allocation to bonds, divided between long-term and short-term bonds, provides stability and acts as a buffer during market downturns.
  • The 20% allocation to small-cap value stocks aims to capture additional growth potential and maximize returns.
  • The 20% allocation to gold serves as a hedge against inflation and provides stability during economic uncertainty.

The Golden Butterfly’s asset allocation strategy strikes a balance between growth and stability, making it an attractive option for long-term investors. By diversifying across various asset classes, the portfolio aims to deliver consistent performance in different market conditions.

Performance of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is designed to deliver strong performance, but it does come with a higher level of risk. Implemented with five ETFs, this portfolio has consistently achieved a compound annual return of 7.56% over the past 30 years. However, it is important to note that performance is not without volatility, as indicated by a standard deviation of 7.73%. The performance of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is closely tied to the performance of its underlying assets, which include the U.S. total stock market, small-cap value stocks, long-term bonds, short-term bonds, and gold.

When examining the performance of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio, it is essential to consider various time periods, ranging from shorter intervals like 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year, to longer durations of 5 years, 10 years, and even up to approximately 97 years. This comprehensive analysis offers insights into the portfolio’s ability to generate returns and withstand different market conditions. Over the long term, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio has demonstrated consistent capital growth and delivered significant returns on investment for those who have implemented this strategy.

Benefits and Drawbacks of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio offers several benefits that make it an attractive investment option. One of its key advantages is its resilience to different economic cycles. By diversifying across asset classes, the portfolio is designed to withstand market volatility and minimize losses, providing stability even during uncertain times. This makes it an appealing choice for investors looking for long-term growth with reduced risk.

Compared to stock-heavy portfolios, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is known for its lower volatility. By including a mix of stocks, bonds, and gold, the portfolio achieves a balance that helps cushion against market fluctuations. This not only provides a sense of security but also helps protect investments from possible downturns in the stock market.

However, it is important to consider the drawbacks of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio. One aspect to be aware of is the potential for lower long-term returns compared to portfolios that have a higher allocation to stocks. During bull markets, when the stock market is performing exceptionally well, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio may underperform in terms of overall returns.

Despite this drawback, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio remains an attractive option for investors seeking stability and sustainable growth over the long term. The portfolio’s ability to weather economic cycles and its focus on diversification make it a resilient choice for those who prioritize stability and consistent returns.

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio as an Investment Strategy

Popular investor Graham Stephan recently recommended the Golden Butterfly Portfolio as a more resilient approach to investing. This portfolio is designed to withstand different economic scenarios by investing in stocks, bonds, and gold. It covers all the bases by including assets that perform well in rising prices, falling prices, market growth, and market decline. This diversified approach helps reduce volatility and provides stability to the portfolio. However, it’s important to note that the Golden Butterfly Portfolio’s long-term returns may not match those of stock-heavy portfolios during bull markets. Investors should carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance when deciding if this strategy is suitable for them.

Key Benefits:

  • Resilient portfolio recommended by Graham Stephan
  • Diversified investments in stocks, bonds, and gold
  • Provides stability and reduces volatility
  • Covers various economic scenarios


  • Long-term returns may not match those of stock-heavy portfolios during bull markets
  • Investment objectives and risk tolerance need to be carefully evaluated


The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is a long-term investment strategy that offers a diversified and robust approach to wealth building. With its unique asset allocation and focus on low correlation, this passive investing strategy aims to provide stability and consistent growth.

The portfolio’s allocation to stocks, bonds, and gold helps mitigate volatility and protect against market downturns. By diversifying across different asset classes, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio reduces the risk associated with relying solely on the stock market. The portfolio is designed to weather various economic scenarios, making it a reliable option for investors seeking a balanced and dependable investment approach.

Although the Golden Butterfly Portfolio may not deliver the highest returns during bull markets, its risk-adjusted performance sets it apart. It prioritizes long-term investing and portfolio rebalancing, ensuring that the desired asset allocation is maintained over time. This strategy is especially beneficial for individuals looking to achieve financial goals and plan for their future. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio offers a solid foundation for financial growth and stability.


What is the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio is an investment strategy that aims to achieve consistent growth while balancing economic conditions. It is a long-term investing approach that focuses on a diversified portfolio with low correlation between different asset classes.

What is the asset allocation of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

The asset allocation of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is evenly divided into five categories: 20% total stock market, 20% small cap value, 20% long-term bonds, 20% short-term bonds, and 20% gold.

What are the benefits of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

The Golden Butterfly Portfolio offers several benefits, including resilience to different economic cycles, reduced volatility compared to stock-heavy portfolios, and stability in times of economic uncertainty.

What are the drawbacks of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

One drawback of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is that it may have lower long-term returns compared to portfolios with a higher allocation to stocks. During bull markets, it may underperform.

Who recommended the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

Popular investor Graham Stephan recently recommended the Golden Butterfly Portfolio as a more resilient approach to investing.

Is the Golden Butterfly Portfolio suitable for retirees?

Yes, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio is suitable for retirees as well as accumulators due to its high withdrawal rates and capital growth potential.

What is the performance of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio?

Over the past 30 years, the Golden Butterfly Portfolio has achieved a compound annual return of 7.56% with a standard deviation of 7.73%. It has delivered significant returns on investment.

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