List of Expert Networks & Guide to Success

Expert networks act as bridges between businesses and specialists.

They house a pool of professionals with deep knowledge in various fields.

Businesses can tap into this expertise through consultations, surveys, or written reports.

This helps them gain valuable insights for informed decision-making, making expert networks a powerful tool for strategic success.

List of Expert Networks

Here’s a list of expert networks, along with brief descriptions and their areas of specialization:

  • Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG): Widely considered the industry leader, GLG offers a broad range of services, including consultations, surveys, and written projects. They work across diverse sectors, covering everything from technology and healthcare to consumer goods and finance.

  • Guidepoint Global: Specializes in connecting experts with clients in technology, healthcare, and finance. They offer both consultations and in-depth research projects, catering to investors, management consulting firms, and corporations.

  • Coleman Research: Focuses on primary research, including custom surveys and market studies. They primarily serve corporations and market research firms, offering insights into consumer behavior, brand perception, and industry trends.

  • Third Bridge: A large platform providing telephone consultations, written research, and hosted expert events. They have a strong reputation in the financial sector, but also cover industries like healthcare, technology, and consumer goods.

  • AlphaSights: Particularly known for connecting experts with private equity firms and management consultancies. They offer consultations and written reports, often focusing on market assessments, due diligence, and competitive intelligence.

  • Tegus: Emphasizes in-depth interviews and written transcripts of expert conversations. They primarily cater to the needs of institutional investors, providing insights on specific companies and market sectors.

  • DeMatteo Research: DeMatteo Research leverages the power of written analysis to connect businesses with subject matter experts. Specializing in in-depth research papers and surveys, they offer a focused and flexible platform for knowledge sharing, catering to those who prefer expressing expertise through writing.

  • Ivy Exec: Emphasizes comprehensive market research and detailed surveys to support strategic decision-making. They cultivate a network of experts with deep industry knowledge, offering insights to corporations, investors, and consulting firms that rely on data-driven analysis.

Note that there are many other niche expert networks specializing in specific industries or types of expertise.

Q&A – Expert Networks

What is an expert network?

An expert network is a service platform that connects professionals seeking specific industry insights with experts who possess deep knowledge and experience in those areas. These networks facilitate the exchange of information, offering clients access to a curated pool of experts who can provide valuable insights, advice, and data that are not readily available through public sources. Expert networks serve a variety of sectors including finance, healthcare, technology, and more, helping decision-makers to make informed choices.

How do expert networks work?

Expert networks function by maintaining a database of professionals across various industries and areas of specialization. When a client needs expertise or insight on a specific topic, the expert network matches the client with an expert (or experts) from its database. Engagements can take the form of phone consultations, in-person meetings, surveys, or longer-term advisory relationships. The networks ensure confidentiality and compliance with industry regulations to protect both clients and experts.

What are expert networks used for?

Expert networks are used for a wide range of purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Investment research and due diligence for making informed investment decisions.
  • Market research to understand industry trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes.
  • Product development insights from leading practitioners and users.
  • Strategic planning by leveraging industry-specific knowledge to inform business strategies.
  • Litigation support to gain technical or industry-specific expertise in legal cases.

What types of experts are on expert networks?

Expert networks host a diverse array of experts, including:

  • Industry professionals with extensive experience in sectors such as finance, healthcare, technology, and consumer goods.
  • Academics who specialize in cutting-edge research and thought leadership in their field.
  • Executives and former executives with strategic and operational leadership experience.
  • Technologists and engineers with expertise in emerging technologies and product development.
  • Policy experts and regulatory professionals who understand the complexities of legal and compliance landscapes.

Are expert networks legit?

Yes, expert networks are legitimate businesses that operate within a framework of legal and compliance guidelines to facilitate the exchange of professional insights. They serve an important role in the knowledge economy by enabling access to specialized knowledge that supports critical business, investment, and strategic decisions.

However, as with any industry, the legitimacy and ethical standards can vary between companies, so due diligence is recommended when choosing an expert network.

Are expert networks worth it? (for both experts and clients)

For clients, expert networks can offer invaluable insights that significantly inform decision-making processes, potentially leading to better outcomes and competitive advantages. For experts, participating in an expert network provides opportunities to monetize their knowledge, expand their professional networks, and stay engaged with current trends in their industry.

What are the best expert networks?

The “best” expert network can depend on the specific needs of the client or expert, including the industry focus, geographical coverage, and type of expertise required. Some of the well-regarded expert networks include Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), AlphaSights, Guidepoint, and Third Bridge.

Each of these networks has its strengths and areas of specialization, making them leaders in the expert network industry.

What are the top expert networks in finance?

In the finance sector, top expert networks include GLG, AlphaSights, Third Bridge, and Coleman Research. These networks are particularly valued for their depth of expertise in financial markets, investment strategies, and economic analysis, providing crucial insights to investors, hedge funds, private equity firms, and investment banks.

Are there expert networks for financial professionals?

Yes, there are expert networks specifically tailored for financial professionals. These networks provide access to a wide range of financial expertise, including but not limited to investment strategies, market analysis, financial planning, and regulatory compliance. Financial professionals, including analysts, investors, and advisors, utilize these networks to gain insights that help them make more informed decisions, understand market trends, and stay ahead of industry developments.

How to become an expert on an expert network?

Becoming an expert on an expert network typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the right network: Research and select an expert network that aligns with your area of expertise and industry.
  2. Application: Submit an application through the network’s website, providing detailed information about your professional background, expertise, and areas of interest.
  3. Screening: Go through a screening process, which may include interviews, background checks, and verification of your credentials and experience.
  4. Onboarding: Once accepted, complete any necessary onboarding processes, which might include training on compliance and confidentiality protocols.
  5. Profile setup: Create a detailed profile that highlights your expertise, experience, and areas of specialization to help match you with relevant inquiries.

How much do expert networks pay?

Compensation for experts in expert networks can vary widely based on factors such as the expert’s field of expertise, the complexity of the inquiry, the length of the consultation, and the expert’s experience level. Consultation fees can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per hour. Payment models can differ between networks and engagements, with some experts being paid per project, while others may receive an hourly rate.

What qualifications do I need to join an expert network?

To join an expert network, you generally need:

  • Significant professional experience in a particular industry or area of expertise.
  • Recognized expertise, demonstrated through your work history, publications, speaking engagements, or other professional achievements.
  • Credentials and education relevant to your field, such as advanced degrees, certifications, or professional licenses.
  • Good standing in your professional and academic communities.

How competitive are expert networks?

The competitiveness of expert networks can vary depending on the industry, the demand for specific expertise, and the network’s market position. Some fields may have a high number of experts, making it more competitive for those individuals to get noticed and selected for consultations.

Networks with a strong reputation and extensive client base may also be more competitive for experts wishing to join, as they attract a high caliber of professionals.

Do expert networks require exclusivity?

Most expert networks do not require exclusivity, allowing experts to join multiple networks and engage with a wide range of clients. However, experts are typically expected to adhere to confidentiality agreements and not share sensitive information across different engagements.

Some networks might have specific clauses about exclusivity related to certain projects or clients, so it’s important to review and understand any contract or agreement terms.

How much does it cost to use an expert network?

The cost for clients to use an expert network varies widely based on the scope and nature of the consultation, the expertise required, and the network’s pricing model. Clients may be charged on a per-consultation basis, through subscription models, or via custom pricing arrangements for large projects or ongoing engagements. Prices can range from a few thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars, reflecting the value of the specialized knowledge provided.

How to find the right expert on an expert network

Finding the right expert involves:

  1. Defining your needs: Clearly articulate the specific expertise or knowledge required.
  2. Utilizing network resources: Work with the expert network’s account management or client service teams to identify potential experts.
  3. Reviewing expert profiles: Evaluate experts’ backgrounds, experience, and qualifications.
  4. Conducting preliminary interviews: Speak with potential experts to assess their understanding of the topic and fit for your needs.

What questions should I ask an expert?

When engaging with an expert, consider asking questions that:

  • Explore their background and experience relevant to your topic.
  • Assess their understanding of current trends and future directions in the industry.
  • Seek their opinion on challenges, opportunities, and best practices.
  • Request case studies or examples of similar challenges they have addressed.
  • Inquire about potential risks, pitfalls, and how they can be mitigated.

How do I get the most out of an expert network consultation?

To maximize the value of an expert network consultation:

  • Prepare thoroughly: Define your objectives, prepare specific questions, and share relevant background information with the expert.
  • Engage actively: Listen carefully, ask follow-up questions, and encourage the expert to share their insights and experiences.
  • Follow up: Summarize key takeaways, clarify any outstanding points, and discuss next steps or additional consultations if needed.
  • Leverage the network’s resources: Utilize account managers or client services to facilitate the consultation and explore further expertise if required.

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